Chlorella is a microscopic single-cell freshwater algae which have been found in numerous studies to be a health-promoting superfood.
It is extremely high in chlorophyll, which helps our body to process more oxygen, boosting energy, detoxifying our blood and promoting the repair of tissues.
One of the notable characteristics of chlorella is its high nutritional content. It is considered a superfood because it is densely packed with essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, proteins, and antioxidants.
Chlorella is an excellent source of vitamins such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and B Vitamins. It also contains minerals like Iron, Magnesium and Zinc. Moreover, chlorella is rich in protein, comprising all essential amino acids, making it a complete protein source for vegetarians and vegans.
According to Roman Sasik, Ph.D. “Chlorella is a single-cell water organism that acquired a superfood status because of its essential amino acids and high omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA content.
It has also been reported to lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, boost immunity, and fight cancer.”

Nutrient Content
Although chlorella contains less beta-carotene and protein than spirulina, it has more essential fatty acids and is twice as high in nucleic acid and chlorophyll.
Chlorella contains more chlorophyll per gram than any plant, about ten times more than alfalfa and green leafy vegetables and five times more than wheat grass.
It is also a good source of natural iron, iodine, many vitamins and minerals, amino acids, phytonutrients and essential fatty acids.
Health Benefits
According to the Journal of Medicinal Food, researchers from Kyoto, Japan, intake resulted in weight loss and a reduction in fasting blood glucose levels and total cholesterol.
Some studies have shown that chlorella supplementation may help reduce total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol (often referred to as "bad" cholesterol), and triglyceride levels. These effects, combined with its antioxidant properties, make chlorella a potential ally in maintaining heart health.
It helps repair our nerve tissues, enhancing our ability to focus and concentrate. It is a great immune booster as it helps the body produce more stem cells, which can be used to destroy bacteria and viruses.
A 1989 study conducted by the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences revealed that Chlorella increased the production of spleen stem cells and bone marrow, improving the functioning of the human immune system.
Chlorella has very high levels of DNA and RNA, which help regulate gene activity, cellular function and detoxification and is very effective in slowing the ageing process.
Used regularly, it may assist in the repair of damaged cells and protect our health.
It assists in reducing the risk of high blood pressure, accelerates wound healing, and lowers cholesterol levels. Chlorella balances the body’s pH levels, improves digestion, and reduces radioactive damage.
Furthermore, chlorella may have beneficial effects on digestion and gut health. It contains dietary fiber that can support regular bowel movements and promote a healthy digestive system.
It improves bowel function by stimulating friendly bacteria. Chlorella is regarded as the best food for friendly and health-promoting probiotic bacteria in our gut.
Studies in Japan have shown it helps reduce bad cholesterol, hypertension, and body fat.
Chlorella has gained attention for its potential detoxification properties. It is known to have a strong affinity for heavy metals, such as mercury, lead, and cadmium, and may help to eliminate them from the body.
Some studies have suggested that chlorella supplementation may aid in the removal of heavy metals and other toxins, contributing to overall detoxification.
When our RNA and DNA can function most efficiently, our bodies get rid of toxins and avoid disease.
When Dr Benjamin Frank treated his patients with (mercury-free) sardines and other foods high in DNA and RNA, they looked and felt much younger, improved their memory and concentration, and recovered from different health problems, including depression and arthritis.
However, today regular fish consumption (including fish oil) is not a good idea due to the high levels of mercury, lead and other heavy metals present in fish.
For this reason, it is much better to use Chlorella as it binds to mercury and other toxins, removing them from our body and has approximately five times more RNA than canned sardines, making it an ideal anti-ageing food.
Chlorella is an excellent replacement for detox diets, that eliminates many poisons in the body, including heavy metals and pesticides.
It binds to contaminated particles flushing them out of the body, and it is very effective in detoxifying our body from mercury, which is very important as most of us may be contaminated with mercury through dental fillings, vaccination, or fish consumption.
Chlorella is also able to help us detoxify our body from aluminium and fluoride.
Somehow Chlorella seems to “know” which metals are beneficial and which need to be removed, and it does not bind to beneficial minerals like magnesium or zinc.
Chlorella safely absorbs toxic metals present in our colon. It has the unique ability to bind to lead and cadmium.
350 participants took part in a three-year study, which tested more than 20 natural detoxifiers (that were used to remove heavy metals). The study included people who were exposed to very high levels of four main metals, mercury, lead, cadmium and arsenic.
The trial using chlorella eliminated ALL heavy metals, including mercury! With no reported side effects!
Chlorella is one of the most widely used natural supplements in Japan, 10 million people use it regularly. In Japan, it is more widespread and popular than vitamin C in North America and Europe.
Studies demonstrated Chlorella helps maintain healthy blood glucose levels and repair damage caused by radiation.
Growth Factor
Chlorella growth factor (CGF) enables it to multiply every 20 hours, making its growth rate faster than any food crop on earth.
CGF promotes normal cell growth without promoting the growth of cancer cells. In addition, it also increases the activity of cells in the human immune system (T and B-cells), which fight viruses or cancer cells.
Iodine Deficiency
Regular intake is also an excellent solution to iodine deficiency, a common problem today (due to soil depletion). It is much safer to use natural forms of iodine, found in chlorella, spirulina, kelp or plant foods as it shouldn’t lead to any harmful side effects.
Taking too much potassium iodide, on the other hand, can lead to thyrotoxicosis (overactive thyroid).
Side Effects
Although no known side effects have been discovered, due to the detoxification and colon cleansing process, you may experience some temporary side effects such as bloating, gas, itchy skin, problems with falling asleep, excitement or feelings of restlessness.
While taking chlorella remember to increase your water intake to 3 times a day, 2-3 glasses between meals.
If you experience sleeping problems due to chlorella’s energy-boosting abilities, I suggest taking it before breakfast.
Chlorella is available in various forms, including tablets, capsules, powders, and liquid extracts. The appropriate dosage can vary depending on factors such as age, health condition, and desired outcomes, so it's important to follow the recommended guidelines or seek guidance from a healthcare professional.
There are many sources and types of Chlorella available, so make sure you buy from a reliable manufacturer such as HealthAid, where it is regularly tested to ensure it is free from contamination.
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